Infratemporal fossa glial choristoma (Heterotopia): A rare presentation

A 7-month-old girl was referred to the head and neck department with a history of gradual painless swelling over the left side of her face for 4 months. Physical examination revealed asymmetric appearance of the face, with a 120 × 70 mm non-tender, non-mobile, and non-pulsatile prominent soft tissue mass with a smooth contour in the left parotid and periauricular spaces. Neurological examination was unremarkable.
On ultrasound examination, a solid cystic mass in the parotid space was recognized, but precise determination of the depth, margin, and extension of the mass was not possible, and complementary diagnostic studies were necessary.
MRI of the skull base and face ((1)1) in axial (A) and sagittal (B, F) T2-weighted, coronal unenhanced (C) and post-contrast (D, E) T1-weighted sequences shows a multilobulated solid-cystic soft tissue massoccupying the infratemporal fossa with extension into the parotid and parapharyngeal spaces, without any significant enhancement. The mass was exerting pressure on adjacent structures, with no obvious intracranial and brain communication.
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