Percutaneous Sclerotherapy for Giant Symptomatic Liver Hemangiomas: A Pilot Study

This single-center prospective trial evaluated the safety and efficacy of percutaneous sclerotherapy for liver hemangiomas in 5 patients (1 man, 4 women; mean age 41.2 y) between 2016 and 2017. All patients were symptomatic (4 abdominal pain; 1 early satiety) and refused surgery. A single session of sclerotherapy with 20 cc mixture of 45 IU. Bleomycin in 10 cc distilled water and 10 cc Lipiodol (Ultra Fluide, Guerbet, France) was performed in all patients, achieving a 45.6%-71.1% lesion volume reduction and a 12.9%-41% reduction in the largest diameter of the lesion. Symptoms subsided in all patients during the 5-month follow-up period. Adverse events included a self-limited intraperitoneal hemorrhage in 1 patient
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