The relationship between enhanced plaques with Gadovist and Magnevist contrast brain magnetic resonance imaging and the neurological deficit in the acute phase of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
both Magnevist and Gadovist could be used as the contrast material to detect enhancing plaques in relapse phase of multiple sclerosis
Tonsilolith in Routine Panoramic Radiographies; Is It a Common Incidental Finding?
The present study demonstrated that tonsiloliths may be accidentally detected through panoramic radiographs in nearly 5% of cases. There is no gender-based predisposition, and tonsiloliths are more common in the 41 to 60-year-old group.
Traumatic Dissecting Posterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Dissecting posterior cerebral artery (PCA) aneurysms are among rare cerebrovascular malformations accounting for 2% to 6% of all aneurysms.
Ultrasonographic analysis versus histopathologic evaluation of carotid advanced atherosclerotic stenosis in an experimental rabbit model
The aim of this study was to generate an easily reproducible and inexpensive experimental rabbit carotid model of advanced atherosclerosis with morphological similarities to the human disease and the subsequent assessment of the reliability of B-mode ultrasound technology in the study of lumen area stenosis in this model
A multiscale phase field method for joint segmentation-rigid registration - Application to motion estimation of human knee joint
In this paper, a new approach of joint segmentation-rigid registration, within the variational framework of the phase field approximation of the Mumford-Shah's functional, is proposed.
Antidepressant effects of magnetic resonance imaging--based stimulation on major depressive disorder: a double-blind randomized clinical trial
this study demonstrated the antidepressant effects of DWI and T1 MRI protocols. Our results may point to usefulness of MR stimulation for clinical use in patients with major depressive disorder
Color and power Doppler US for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome and determining its severity: a quantitative image processing method
Color Doppler US can be used to accurately diagnose CTS. By processing the recorded power Doppler images and determining the number of pixels in the intraneural vascular area, the severity of CTS can be assessed
Color Doppler ultrasound for evaluation of vasomotor activity in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
color Doppler ultrasound can readily determine impaired vasomotor activity in CTS patients.
Comparison of Different Modalities for Reducing Childhood Intussusception
There was no significant relationship between the success rate of reduction and the type of reduction.
Diagnostic Accuracy of Sixty Four Multi-Slice CT Angiography in Assessment of Arterial Cut-Off and Run-Off in Comparison with Surgical Findings
We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of 64-multislice CT angiography (MSCTA) in run-off and cut-off sites of arterial disease.